Let's get to know Living Stones Ministries Rock On's Founder, Julie Shaffer.
The follow article was written about Julie for the United Christian
Church, Renton, Washington by Swannee Rivers
for their church's newsletter, "The Weathervane" in early 2013.
The eldest of three children, Julie Shaffer grew up in a small
neighborhood of approximately 80-families within a square mile radius in Fort
Wayne, Indiana. Though the summer Midwest days were often humid, corn fields
stretched on for miles, and the stench of manure often filled the air, she is
proud to boast about her home. From the ages of 7-11 Julie developed a knack
for business, and used her parents’ garage as her starting ground. She began
performing weddings for older neighborhood children, while charging 5 and 25
cents per ceremony. Utilizing her kazoo for music, she eventually added pet
funeral services to her roster.
A graduate of Purdue University, Julie finds her Hoosier roots
travel deep. When questioned she will give you a blaring “Boiler up,” as
Siblings: Kristine (13-months younger,) and brother, Tim (3-years
younger) currently reside in Fort Wayne. Julie departed her hometown for
Seattle in 1999. For the past 13- years she has resided in the First Hill and
Capitol Hill neighborhoods, where she currently lives in a Capitol Hill
neighborhood known as “The Camelot.”
Julie’s current living location allows her to purse her love of
Broadway musicals, as well as enjoy many adventures in surrounding Seattle
neighborhoods which she loves to share with others on her Facebook page. During
the moments she remains in silence, Julie loves to allow her creativity to
flow. As words engulf her, pen is put to paper as she begins to scribe poetry
which is an enjoyable pastime.
Having attended United Christian Church for the past 6 years,
Julie notes comparisons of family in Fort, Wayne Indiana, and describes the
congregation as “Caring, compassionate and Indiana nice.” For this she is
thankful for the meeting of Bill Utterback when they were Resident Chaplains in
the Swedish Medical Clinical Pastoral Education program. During the time of
Bill’s ordination service, Julie was a communion server and this was held at
United Christian Church. The City of Renton with its picturesque Cascade
Mountains and beautiful Lake Washington views are reminiscent of hometown
memories as well according to Julie.
Currently the Director of Pastoral Care and Volunteer Services for
Presbyterian Retirement Communities Northwest, Julie prides herself in being a
staunch supporter of the senior population, as well as those in need of
healthcare and rehabilitation services. She continuously works to educate
family members and caregivers regarding services available to enhance daily
living, as well as quality of life. Regardless of one’s health condition,
socioeconomic class or other issues, her belief is elevating
the intellectual, spiritual and emotional needs within the senior living
industry can improve life quality.
As a single woman, Julie has devoted her life to volunteering as
well as having had the opportunity to work in numerous ministerial roles since
her Seattle arrival. This has allowed her to embrace spiritual growth as well
as acquire much knowledge and awareness towards herself and others. Several of
these opportunities have included maintaining a position of Director of Youth
and Children’s Christian, acting as a facilitator for: the Lesbian Resource
Center and Lambda Ministries for Pilgrim Congregational Church. Each position
provided safe havens for the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender community
to openly discuss their spirituality beliefs, journeys, and struggles while
having a support unit.
In 2003
Julie completed her Clinical Pastoral Education Chaplaincy internship and
residency at Swedish Hospital. During her time of training she counseled
patients and families, as well as performed baptisms and funerals. The delicate
moments she shared with families during their most vulnerable moments elevated
her conviction of God’s call for her ministry.
having established a chapel (Open Door Chapel) in Fort Wayne during her adult
years with a few acquaintances, Julie continues to be an advocate for those who
choose alternative lifestyles from those considered the society norm. In United
Christian Church she has found a congregation where all are welcome.
Today's Reflection: "Above
all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect
harmony." - Colossians 3:14 New Living Translation (NLT)