Saturday, April 25, 2015

God's Fingerprint

It was a beautiful Northwest day with blue skies and the sunshine lighting the way this past week. A wonderfully energetic team member, Erin Lee led three residents and a directionally challenged, Julie to Wildwood Park, which is in close proximity to Bellevue at Aegis.
Erin pointed out a large fingerprint placed in the pavement and mentioned that it could be God’s.  We examined it. Erin walked with two residents. I lagged behind with the one remaining resident. This 90-plus year old studied the fingerprint one last time, turned to me with a smile, looked directly in my eyes and quipped, “I thought God’s print would be larger.”

 Today's Reflection:  "May God's word leave a print upon us."

Monday, April 6, 2015

A Wrong Turn…A Change of Direction

After worship service yesterday, I planned to shop for work clothes at Southcenter Mall. I was surprised that the stores were closed in the mall and the surrounding area in observance of Easter. I silently reminisced about growing up and how the stores were closed on Sunday so all the workers would be in Sabbath. I was delighted.

I usually am directionally challenged entering and exiting the shopping area in Tukwila. My departure was not an exception. I made a wrong turn. I pulled my car into Crystal Springs Park change direction. This park was small and quiet with calming views. Of course, I wanted a photo to post on Face book.

I parked my car next to the only vehicle in the parking lot a big black SUV with tinted windows. I was singing away to the radio with my window down. The tinted window came down. A young man looked at me and asked, “Do I know you?”  I replied, “No. You do now. I took a wrong turn and apparently it was the right turn. Sometimes you need to changed direction”  He smiled and asked,  “Would you write down about the right turn? I want to use it. It was deep.” I nodded and wrote it down. He smiled and said, “Thanks, Professor.”

The tinted window raised and the SUV sped off. 

Today's Reflection: "How many times have you made a wrong turn into a right turn with a change of direction?"

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed. "He's Alive!"

Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed. He's Alive! Forgive. Live in love. Happy Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Learn First...Judge Not

I am not a news watcher, and I do not understand the Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). I need to learn more. Church denominations and businesses are standing against the RFRA. It is not the entire State of Indiana, who approved and enacted it. I have family, friends and other fine folks in Indiana with Hoosier Hospitality, who are not in favor of it.

It was chilly last Saturday evening in Seattle. I only own a couple of sweatshirts one is a red with Indiana in white letters and the other is my Purdue hoody.  I innocently pulled out the red sweatshirt and not thinking of the possible reaction. I live in a diverse neighborhood, where the majority is LBGTQ.  As a handful of derogatory remarks were made directly to me. I headed home to change my sweatshirt. Instead of changing my sweatshirt, I sat down in my living room and reflected on the remarks.

Today the sign about the Easter Bunny and Indiana placed outside of City Market was posted on Facebook. I decided to stop by Northgate Mall and have my photo taken with the Easter Bunny because I felt hurt and disappointed in behavior and words this past week. I do believe in people and in their compassion, love and acceptance of others.

I am not sure if my Indiana sweatshirt will be worn soon or kept in the closet. I am planning to wear it to church on Pentecost since it is the only red piece of clothing I own.

Let’s learn and make moments teachable, not unreachable.

Today’s Reflection:  “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” –Matthew 7:1-5 New King James Version (NKJV)

A Basketball Remembrance

My Grandpa Kenny Kirby loved March Madness. He did not move from his chair from in front of the television, which all the games were televised on one station before cable television. Grandpa followed the games from early morning until late, late at night, which was past bedtime for this farmer.

Hoosier Hysteria was prevalent as Grandpa followed the Indiana schools and the Big Ten conference throughout the brackets. (Hoosier Hysteria is the state of excitement surrounding basketball in Indiana…) Love my memories of Grandpa Kenny!

Congratulations to the Indiana schools, which made the Big Dance: Indiana, Purdue, Valparaiso, Butler, and Notre Dame. And cheers to the two remaining Big Ten schools playing in the Final Four: Michigan State and Wisconsin.

I pulled out gold, green and white yarn and made the Green Bay Packers' hat collection as I watched the games. I will be keeping one for the NFL season, and the remainder will be donated to a warm for winter homeless project. A friend, who is a Packers' fan and grew up in Indiana with me will understand..."The game is on." And go Seahawks!

Today's Reflection: "The crowd goes wild. Who are you cheering on?"