Sunday, November 6, 2016

Reaping What You Sow

I drove by this church sign on Friday. Just wondering..."How are you planting your seeds? What do your seeds grow? Are you doing your best?"
I then read Vince, a church friend's post later the same day. I am not a political animal but I am concerned about our world.
"The sun will rise on Wednesday morning regardless of what happens on Tuesday. Each of us will have a decision to make that day – do we roll up our sleeves and work to build a future together? Yes or No. This past year has shown us many areas of difference… how best do we move forward, reaching out to find common ground? We do not fully exist outside of our community – those whom we know and love, who know and love us in return. I am committed to have those hard discussions, to truly hear concerns, to continue relationships which have grown strained, finding ways that we can grow and learn together. My prayer for today is that you join me, with full knowledge that it will not be easy and that we must find a way to love each other.?"
So I ask you once more these questions: "How are you planting your seeds?" What do your seeds grow? How are you planting your seeds?What do your seeds grow? Are you doing your best?"

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