Friday, January 20, 2017

Let Your Light Shine

View from the Central Neighborhood Cascade Mountains Seattle, WA

As the light shines upon another day, more lessons will be learned, memories will be created and service to others will be shared.

There are so many people, who plan to march or protest “against” this or they are “anti” that. How can our language be re-framed to illuminate the positive?  How can we lead by example and be a glimmer of hope for others? Let’s uplift our country and our communities through the positive and build each other up.

I was raised that your time and energies were given to organizations you believed in, and you were mission-driven in your volunteerism. So I encourage you to let your light shine by volunteering for projects that speak to you through service to others and allow your voice to heard.

I feel a song coming on. Can you guess? It’s “This Little Light of Mine.”  I will close my eyes and sing it as I did with my Memory Care residents, where I learned lessons, memories were created and service to others shared.

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