Sunday, February 12, 2017

Building Relationships

I have reflected on the comic, Pickles from last week’s newspaper, and I am grateful for growing up in a small neighborhood, named Edgewood Park in Fort Wayne surrounded by cornfields, the old Fortmeyer's Truck stop one way and the Wayne Feeds was up the road in the opposite direction. We built forts, played in the woods, built and rode our bikes off ramps to name a few things.

I played army with Tom in the vacant lot. Why was he always the commander and chief?

The Govin’s lived across the street. Rita, What about your Dad’s Cricket car? Rita was a good driveway driver with me as the passenger. We learned there's emergency brakes for a reason.

The Todd sister’s lived next door: Laura​, Connie and Nancy​... need I say more? Laura, I never found myself as funny as others found me.

I spent time with the Walker family – especially with Joy and Cathy and our friend, Kathy​. I cannot believe we joined 4-H.  I really wanted to join Future Farmer’s for the cool jacket with the patches. I did not join because I wanted so badly to use farm equipment and I was told, No!

Peggy's mom taught some of us to make pies from scratch on a rainy Saturday afternoon. I have not made a pie since but I received my Girl Scout badge.

As a kid some of us saved our little bit of money earned from babysitting or mowing lawn, we rode our bikes to Old Fortmeyer's and ate lunch with the truck drivers at the counter. I then walked or rode my bike to Wayne Feeds and bought something from the old cooler. I hung out with the farmers. We never locked up our bikes.

I am glad to have a computer and Facebook to reconnect and stay connect with my Edgewood Park friends. It’s good to have lifetime relationships, no matter the miles.

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