Monday, May 29, 2017

Gone but not Forgotten

As the week begins on the Memorial Day Monday, I remember those who have come before me.
I have walked past Metsker Maps of Seattle so many evenings after its closing time throughout the years.
I finally walked into Metsker Maps yesterday. I looked at the maps and the globes as I imagined my previous residents fighting wars in other countries so I could live free.
My residents have repeated their stories over and over and rightfully so about their service to our country. Then there are the residents who can no longer remember. Their loved ones remembered for them and shared their stores. I thought about my residents in the latter category when I recently found a copy of “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” My residents remembered the words and performed the gestures with little cuing. They sang about their world as they recounted it.
These residents are no longer among us. I remember them because they have made me a better person by traveling on their journeys through the remnants of a world only in a History book to most of us.

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