Friday, July 21, 2017

It’s Your Choice. Eagle? Or Cheeto?

Eagle? Or Pigeon?

I find joy in reading the comics early each morning. I find joy in numerous moments throughout the day. I found joy and inspiration in an unexpected meeting last evening.

I didn't need to shop. I was not hungry so there was no need to eat. I was pulled into the mall. I was not sure, "Why?"

As soon as I sat down with my bottle of water at a table in the food court, two men walked up and sat down with me. One man, "K," took the Adult Family Homes' (AFH) Administrator course last July as my classmate. He and his wife recently opened an AFH. He had brought one of his residents to the mall for an outing.

K and his wife came to the United States many years ago as immigrants. They became American citizens. K served in the United States Armed Forces for 25-years, and his wife continues to work more than 24-years later as a nursing assistant at Harborview. K wanted to serve in the present. He said that his residents are part of his family, and it was apparent.

As we parted, we hugged. Then K looked me in the eyes and stated, "You’re an eagle!"

I had not planned to share this moment until I read the comic strip, "Pickles" this morning. 

It’s your choice. Eagle? Or Pigeon?

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