Saturday, September 16, 2017

Montana Wild Fires

“We went from worrying about heat stress to worrying about hypothermia.”

Living Stones Ministries Rock On!p rovided 360 hats through their Christmas in July program to a number of agencies 20-hats at a time. Living Stones only received 4-thank you notes. I was saddened because the bedridden volunteers love to receive copies of the thank yous.

I have had a number of friends, who have reached out to me from Texas and Florida. I am the primary funder of Living Stones since we do not have a nonprofit status. I have made donations to both states through reputable organizations, and I will continue to hold you in prayer.

The remainder of the Living Stones donations will be sent to the overlooked Montana aka Big Sky Country, The Treasure State and a number of other names.

 It was a gift to drive through, experience and meet the fine folks of this State. I stopped wherever there was a gas station to top off the tank because I was not sure if another one would be found. I lost radio signals. This elderly gas station owner sold me The Village People's Greatest Hits and Cher's "Believe" for 99 cents each. He had not been able to sell the cassettes. I sang and car danced through the remainder of this treasured state and Idaho that is a gem of a state.

I am mailing the 100-hats and small crate of new tube socks to Montana. You are not forgotten. No need to say thanks. I will write a short story with my gratitude for their efforts.

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