Monday, December 18, 2017

What will your day hold?

Okay...why not have a good time when you are buying new orthotics with plain black flat functional shoes? I purchased a new pair of shoes yesterday. I walked with my own type of swank like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.
I met this young man, who worked in a dingy neighborhood grocery. He was so kind to the street people and poor who entered through the doors. He counted their money so they could see what they were able to buy.
I bought a lotto ticket from him. He shared in between the customers how he was an abused child and survived. How he survived a drug addiction. He overcame his past. He recently graduated with his college degree. He will eventually earn his doctorate. He has a plan. He is living his life with purpose. He lives with compassion, purpose and a plan. I won the jackpot by buying a lotto ticket yesterday. It was worth the price.
A man by the name of Rob stopped on the corner as I left the store. He had a crucifix. Rob was looking for a good Christian woman to marry. I said that I would marry him in 35 years if each of us had not found a spouse. I started to cross the street. Rob yelled, “Wait.” He laid his crucifix on my right leg. Rob offered a healing prayer. He wanted his future wife to be healed.
I stopped on the way to my car to the Hotel Sorrento and St. James Cathedral to offer a prayer for the afternoon, including the people and a marriage proposal.
What will today bring?

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