Saturday, October 27, 2018

My Little Person of the Week

Name: Unknown Child

I shared this story with my friend, Theresa on Friday. I cannot get the little girl out of my mind. I met her 5 or 6 weeks ago, and she has stayed with me.
I sometimes stop at the Atlantic Boat Launch in South Seattle. I take in the views of Lake Washington, the Cascade Mountains and my favorite: the ducks quacking.
As I took in the view, I felt something or someone grab my hand. It was a little girl, who was no more than 3 1/2 or 4-years of age. I asked her if she was with someone. No answer. She took me to her Grandma, who said, "Just take her to see the ducks. She likes you." Her Grandma did not know me, and she dismissed us.
The little hand held onto me tight. We visited the ducks. I talked with her. She never said a word. The silence was deafening. She never smiled or showed emotion. I finally said that it was time for me to go home.
We walked back to her Grandma. Her mother was now visiting with the Grandma. They were indifferent to the little girls arrival.
I gently said, "You stay here."
I walked to the car and as I turned to unlock the door, there she stood. I reached for here hand and I walked her back, I talked with her and told her what a wonderful little girl. I tried to make it a positive for her.
I walked back to the car. She stood by her family, not looking at them but at me.Her stare and silence spoke volumes. She cried on the inside. I pulled my car over on the way home and cried.
She would not have been a problem to raise but I could not take her. She was not mine to take.
I don't cry for her. I have prayed for her everyday since.

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