Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Idea Man - Paul Allen

You can think big and that's only a dream. You can talk about it over and over but talk is cheap. Taking action makes an idea a reality. My statement epitomizes how I viewed Paul Allen. Mr. Allen was known for Microsoft, the Seattle Seahawks, and the Portland Trailblazers. There is Vulcan, Allen Institute, Cinerama, MoPOP, Flying Heritage and Combat Armory Museum and one of my favorite Seattle museums: Living Computers: Museums and Labs. His philanthropy cannot be forgotten. After I heard of Mr. Allen's passing, I reflected on how Seattle has changed since I moved here 19 years ago. I thank you, Mr. Allen, and I am humbled by your ideas and actions taken for the betterment of a community and the world.

1 comment:

  1. Giving Gratitude for Paul Allen

    How can I make my neighborhood better as long as I live here? One step at a time and share my ideas. Implement them for my community and for others to use in their communities.

    It does not matter your legacy. It matters who you have helped.
